...Last update on 28/03/2005.
The site:

No much to say about it, i built it while programming and i'll update it as often as i'm doing things, learning things and so on... I just hope it's being usefull for you as it is for me.

The best use of the site is for a first time when you do not know where to look for info. and actually what to look for; also it's good for a second time and after any time... as it's always good to rely on past tricks which you already forgot coz there has been heaps of stuff you have done since !.

The main function of the site is to provide relevant info. about www programming, with the important refering links which you should visit to learn more about the tips. I usually picked up things from different places.

The Author:

Ok, here is my picture:

My picture

I did not say my photo !!.

Let's talk a bit serious...

I do not put my resume here, privacy is important to me however i can tell you i have been studying IT, working as a system programmer and practicing other things too...

I like IT, i enjoy programming efficiently, i like to design system, I like cheap things but rewarding things too (might be my business side !). I like to control what i'm doing and thinking, i like to build complex things more than being involved into simple redundant tasks, i like research, learning...

I'm basically looking for building new solutions and the e-commerce domain is for me a perfect orientation. I'm full of ideas and i feel like the web is yet empty !!.

For those who are interested in hiring me, temporarly or for a long term, please send me an email (check out the 'contact' html page), i' ll be glad to reply as soon as possible.

Also if you are worried about my expressions and terms, i ll be able to write you a poem to make up your mind :).

The Paypal Donation button

Ahah,,, i just put that in case someone wants to donate me few bucks, but you know i do not mind at all even if you are willing to donate, i ld be very happy you give to UNICEF instead... or may be to the sites i'm referring to such as Archlinux... Anyway i'll be very thankful to you if you donate right here.

What 's next

I'm actually waiting for a 100 000 hits onto my counter to implement the Forum...Waiting for this feature to come up, i plan to arrange fews things around the pages.